Private blood tests and functional medicine testing
Whilst my training and experience are the primary tools I use to help advise you on how to improve your health, testing can help get answers quickly and allow therapy to be more targeted . In additional to advising on which tests to request with your GP via standard blood tests, more specialist nutritional and functional medicine tests can be ordered through my clinic with many having quick turn around times. These include:
- Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) - to assess digestive function and the microbiome (£250-£350)
- Parasite Testing Only (£195)
- SIBO breath testing - to assess for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (£160)
- Candida testing (£95-£250)
- Great Plains Organic Acids Test (OAT) - useful for digestive issues, bacterial & candida overgrowth, mental health (£239)
- Mycotoxin testing for mould exposure (£330)
- Hair mineral analysis - measures essential minerals for health and heavy metal exposure (£82)
- Vitamins and mineral status via blood, hair or urine (£40- £150)
- Adrenal stress hormone test - when burn out & poor energy levels are being experienced (£125)
- Toxicity testing including mould and heavy metals (£240-£340)
- Great Plains FoodMap with Yeast - Food intolerance testing via IgG (£195)
- Viral & other infection antibody testing
- Additionally, standard blood testing can be arranged at much quicker turn around times and some via finger prick and range from £30 to £150:
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes (HBA1C)
- Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, folate, zinc, iron
- Thyroid hormone panel including antibodies
- Full blood count
- Anaemia panel
- Female & Male hormones